Improving and Tracking Remote Employee Training
Date Published: Oct 21, 2022
Training employees is not just about teaching skills. Training takes up valuable worker time and organizational resources. It is imperative that training sessions drive improvements across teams so that companies see a positive return on their training investment.
Training programs must also accommodate the new normal of hybrid and remote working models. This can create an added layer of complexity in gauging the effectiveness of training programs.
To help you get the most out of your employee skilling and learning initiatives, here are five methods on improving and tracking remote employee training.

1. Create and Advertise the Training Schedule
A well-thought-out training schedule will take into consideration employee skilling needs, any relevant deliverables, and suitable times that maximize hybrid and remote employee participation. A training program with multiple workshops will also schedule training that logically lays foundational skills before higher-level competencies.
Assume that remote and hybrid workers are very busy and receive more written communications via chat, email and other channels than when everyone worked in person. A majority of workers will probably not be aware of training as a result of one email.
Advertise the training through multiple channels and create and share a training calendar widely to increase attendance. Send reminder emails and other forms of communication with relevant links. Try using images that grab your audience's attention like screen captures of your virtual learning environment.
2. Have Back-Up Support
When running remote training, there is arguably nothing worse than having technical difficulties just before or during the session. Have backup technical support for you and participants before and during the workshop. Collaborate with your IT team so they are on standby in case you encounter any unforeseen problems like a dropped VPN or inaccessibility to training content housed on a certain application. Reach out to any other team members that would be of help if connectivity goes awry, like an assistant who has access to training files or other data.
3. Set Remote Training Rules Up Front
Remote training sessions have many upsides such as participants being able to learn in the comfort of their homes and being able to train a large number of people without the need for a massive training space. The downside is potential distractions.
A tenant of improving and tracking remote employee training is setting rules for remote training at the very beginning of the session. Make your remote training optimally effective by asking everyone to:
Be on mute unless they are speaking.
Log out of other applications, such as email, to ensure they are focused.
Sit in a well-lit area if they will be seen during the training.
Use a chat feature to make comments or ask questions and wait for a response, rather than verbally interrupting the presenter.
Review protocols on who to contact to overcome connectivity problems.
4. Be Available After the Training
As the training wraps up, offer to stay online so participants can receive clarification on ideas, or offer feedback on the training. Employees may develop questions later as they process the information and apply it to their work. Have a system in place whereby employees can discuss the training and how it impacts their work at a later time. This may mean having a check-in with the trainer, HR manager or supervisor, or having a following up session with the group or willing participants.
5. Training Tracking Metrics
Tracking training effectiveness is a critical part of the entire training process. Training metrics allow you to measure the progress of participants, ascertain whether the training program was a sound investment, and facilitate a company culture of learning.
Which key performance indicators (KPIs) to track will vary by organization, particularly according to their industry and training goals. However, there are four key metrics all organizations will likely rely on when improving and tracking remote employee training:
Training completion rate - this metric indicates the number of people who have taken the course. If employees are required to take the training by a certain date, this metric tracks compliance. For non-mandatory training, the completion rate demonstrates how relevant the course is for workers. High engagement is an indication of a course that taught new skills or competencies. Low engagement indicates poor or non-relevant content, a lack of awareness about the training, or a low motivation for learning among employees.
Testing pass rate - your training likely has a series of quizzes or a test that is taken upon course completion. High pass rates could indicate that employees successfully gained knowledge, or it could be that the testing was too easy. Alternatively, a low pass rate indicates a problem that needs to be addressed, such as poor employee attention during the training or a technical issue.
Employee course reviews - employee reviews are critical to gauging training effectiveness. Be sure to include open-ended questions on the form to encourage specific and candid feedback. Employee reviews can be used to decide whether to continue a training as is, make adjustments to a course, or abandon a module altogether.
Supervisor feedback - since supervisors have the most interaction with their team, they are best positioned to give feedback on how employees have incorporated training into their work. This is where an ongoing performance review process, whereby supervisors meet frequently and regularly with employees, can be used as an accelerant in facilitating training skills into work and ascertaining how well an individual is doing so.
Improving and Tracking Remote Employee Training
These tips on improving and tracking remote employee training are suitable for organizations that already have training programs, or are deciding upon one. If your company already has a training program, these ideas can be incorporated to improve results.
Companies without an established training initiative, consider these factors when deciding on a training program to gauge its effectiveness. Be sure to find out if training consultants have tracking metrics, and if so, if they appropriately measure outcomes that are aligned with your training and company goals.
Priority Management is a worldwide training company with 55 offices in 15 countries. We have successfully trained more than two million graduates in Priority workshops. Our programs help companies and people be more effective and manage their workflow in and out of the office by providing tools, processes and discipline. Simply put - A Better Way To Work! Clients range from Fortune 500 companies, small-to-medium businesses and government/military employees.
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